Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Our Independence Day - When Was Yours?

In the movie "Independence Day" with Will Smith, the actor playing the President of the United States declares their last fight against the invaders will produce a new independence day for the world.  Do you remember that scene?  One of the more moving moments in the movie and one of significance to Christians.

We just celebrated our country's Independence Day on Monday.  This is a time to come together, cook out, enjoy fireworks and remember what it took to gain our independence.  A few words that come to mind are dedication, sacrifice, perseverance, determination, love and commitment.  If you have ever met a person in the armed forces, you know that these inspirational words ring more true to them than to the average Joe.  The Marine Corps have a motto that is known around the world, "Semper fidelis:  always faithful."  Always faithful to their country, their job, their brothers & sisters in arms and to the commitment of freedom.

The untouched picture displays a cross on our American Flag reminding us that this is one nation under God.  Remaining faithful (Semper fidelis) to this call has and will continue to be a fight for all of those who call themselves Christian.

In the same way, Christ fought for our independence and freedom from sin through the ultimate sacrafice on the cross.  Remember the line, "today we celebrate our independence day!"  As we celebrate, remember your independence day with Christ and continue to fight the good fight...


God bless America!

Click here to hear the speech.